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Friday, 25 June 2021

કોરોના / Covid Delta Plus Variant: શું છે કોવિડ-19 ડેલ્ટા પ્લસ વેરિએન્ટ અને કેવા છે તેના લક્ષણો?

કોરોના / Covid Delta Plus Variant: શું છે કોવિડ-19 ડેલ્ટા પ્લસ વેરિએન્ટ અને કેવા છે તેના લક્ષણો?

કોરોના ડેલ્ટા પ્લસ વેરિએન્ટના લક્ષણો કોરોના વાયરસ કરતા કઈ રીતે છે અલગ?

  • કોરોના ડેલ્ટા પ્લસ વેરિએન્ટના શું છે લક્ષણો?
  • કઈ રીતે કોરોના કરતા જુદો પડે છે ડેલ્ટા પ્લસ વેરિએન્ટ?
  • જાણો આપણા દેશમાં કેટલા કેસ નોંધાયા?

કોરોના વાયરસના રૂપ બદલ્યા બાદ તેના લક્ષણોમાં પણ અમુક ફેરફાર થવા લાગ્યા છે. માટે તેના વિશે તમારૂ જાણવું ખૂબ જરૂરી છે. ડેલ્ટા પ્લસ વેરિએન્ટના સામાન્ય લક્ષણોમાં, સુકી ખાંસી, તાવ અને થાક લાગે છે. ત્યાં જ તેના ગંભીર લક્ષ્ણોની વાત કરીએ તો તેમાં છાતીમાં દુખાવો, શ્વાસ ફુલવો અથવા શ્વાલ લેવામાં તકલીફ અને વાત કરવામાં તરલીફ થઈ શકે છે. WHOના સ્વાસ્થ્ય અધિકારીઓએ અમુક સામાન્ય લક્ષણો જણાવ્યા છે જેમાં ત્વચા પર ચાઠા પગની આંગળીઓના રંગમાં ફેરફાર થવો ગળોમાં ખીચખીચ, સ્વાદ અને ગંધ ન આવવી, દસ્ત અને માથાનો દુખાવો સામેલ છે.

ગુજરાતમાં ડેલ્ટા પ્લસના કેટલા કેસ?
ગુજરાતમાં ડેલ્ટા પ્લસ કેસ અંગે ગાંધીનગર આરોગ્ય ACS મનોજ અગ્રવાલનું નિવેદન સામે આવ્યું છે. ડેલ્ટા પ્લસ અંગે રાજ્ય સરકારે માહિતી આપી કે, ડેલ્ટા પ્લસના બે કેસ આવ્યા હતા. વડોદરા અને સુરતમાં બે કેસ આવ્યા હતા. બંને વ્યક્તિ પર મોનિટરીંગ કરવામાં આવી રહ્યું છે. બંને વ્યક્તિઓ સંપર્કમાં આવેલ તમામનુ ટેસ્ટિંગ કરાયું હતું. સંપર્કમા આવેલ તમામ લોકો સુરક્ષિત છે કોઇ ચેપ જોવા મળ્યો નથી.

પંજાબમાં મળ્યો ડેલ્ટા વેરિએન્ટનો નવો કેસ
પંજાબમાં કોરોનાની બીજી લહેર ઓછી થઈ રહી છે એવામાં લોકો રાહતનો શ્વાસ લઈ રહ્યા છે પરંતુ આ વચ્ચે એક ચિંતાની વાત પણ સામે આવી છે પંજાબમાં પણ કોરોનાનો ડેલ્ટા પ્લસ વેરિએન્ટનો મામલો સામે આવ્યો છે. પંજાબમાં ડેલ્ટા પ્લસનો એક કેસ સામે આવ્યો છે. ઘણા અન્ય સેમ્પલ પણ જીનોમ સીક્વન્સિંગ માટે મોકલવામાં આવ્યા છે.

મધ્યપ્રદેશમાં એકનું મોત, સરકાર એલર્ટ
મધ્યપ્રદેશમાં કોરોનાના ડેલ્ટા પ્લસ વેરિએન્ટના કારણે એક મોત થઈ ગઈ છે. જ્યારે અત્યાર સુધી કુલ સાત કેસ સામે આવ્યા છે. મધ્ય પ્રદેશના ઉજ્જૈનમાં એક મહિલાનું મોત ડેલ્ટા પ્લસના કારણે થયું છે. મધ્યપ્રદેશના મેડિકલ એજ્યુકેશન મંત્રી વિશ્વાસ સારંગે જણાવ્યા અનુસાર રાજ્યમાં અત્યાર સુધી વેરિએન્ટથી એક મોત નોંધવામાં આવી છે. જેટલા અન્ય કેસ આવ્યા છે તેના પર સરકારની નજર છે.

વિશ્વના 85 જેટલા દેશોમાં ડેલ્ટા વેરિઅન્ટના કેસ જોવા મળ્યા
ડેલ્ટા પ્લસ વેરિઅન્ટને લઇ વિશેષજ્ઞોએ ચિંતા વ્યક્ત કરી છે. વિશ્વના 85 જેટલા દેશોમાં ડેલ્ટા વેરિઅન્ટના કેસ જોવા મળ્યા છે. ત્યારે ભારતમાં અત્યાર સુધી 40 જેટલા ડેલ્ટા પ્લસ વેરિઅન્ટના કેસ સામે આવી ચૂક્યા છે. વિશેષજ્ઞોએ ડેલ્ટા વેરિઅન્ટને લઇ કહ્યું કે ડેલ્ટા વેરિઅન્ટના સંક્રમણ સામે વેક્સિન પણ બેઅસર થઇ શકે છે. કારણ કે ડેલ્ટા વેરિઅન્ટ અન્ય વાયરસથી વધુ ઘાતક છે. કોરોનાનો આલ્ફા વેરિઅન્ટ 170 દેશમાં, બીટા 119 દેશમાં ફેલાઇ ચૂક્યો છે. જ્યારે કોરોનાનો ગામા વેરિઅન્ટ 71 અને ડેલ્ટા વેરિઅન્ટ 85 દેશમાં ફેલાયો છે. કોરોનાનો ડેલ્ટા વેરિઅન્ટ ઝડપી ફેલાઇ રહ્યો છે. મળતી માહિતી મુજબ કોરોનાનો ડેલ્ટા વેરિઅન્ટ બે સપ્તાહમાં 11 દેશમાં ફેલાઇ ચૂક્યો છે. જેને લઇ WHO ડેલ્ટા વેરિઅન્ટ પર નજર રાખી રહ્યું છે.

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Monday, 21 June 2021

Free for social chat translation,Post Translation,support for 100 languages

Free for social chat translation,Post Translation,support for 100 languages

SnapTrans can translate English to Hindi or other languages or dialects in one step for almost any applications(Facebook,WhatsApp,Messenger etc).Using this app, you can translate any text  into your native language to make reading much easier,chat with foreign language friends accessibility.

With a simple drag you will see the text translate into the desired language in no time.

Main Features:

1)Bubble text translate
In all kinds of social chat applications, just drag the translation ball onto the bubble text, it can change the language you know, and communicate directly with foreign language friends.

2)Input box text translate
Enter any language in the input box, just drag the translation ball to the input box and the text will become the language your friends know.

3)App language translate
Open any app and quickly double-click on the translation ball, all the text in the app will become the language you know. You can find more interesting and novel applications in foreign countries.

4)Quick setting, intelligent translation
Preset the language you and your friends use, the translation ball will be intelligently translated between 33 languages with a simple drag.Like English to Hindi,Tamil to Hindi,Tamil to English,English to Gujarati and so on.

સમગ્ર શિક્ષા શિક્ષણ વિભાગ દ્વારા આયોજિત બ્રિજકોર્સ કલાસ રેડીનેસ: જ્ઞાનસેતુ ધોરણ: 1 થી 10 યુટ્યુબ ના માધ્યમથી..

🌐તારીખ: 21/06/2021

✍️ધોરણ: 1 શાળા તત્પરતા

✍️ધોરણ: 2 ગણિત

✍️ધોરણ: 3 ગણિત

✍️ધોરણ: 4 ગણિત

✍️ધોરણ: 5 ગુજરાતી

✍️ધોરણ: 6 ગુજરાતી

✍️ધોરણ: 7 ગુજરાતી

✍️ધોરણ: 8 ગુજરાતી

✍️ધોરણ: 9 ગુજરાતી

✍️ધોરણ: 10 ગણિત

✍️ધોરણ: 10 અંગ્રેજી

✍️🔰📚સમગ્ર શિક્ષા શિક્ષણ વિભાગ દ્વારા આયોજિત બ્રિજકોર્સ કલાસ રેડીનેસ: જ્ઞાનસેતુ ધોરણ: 1 થી 10 યુટ્યુબ ના માધ્યમથી...

🌐તારીખ: 22/06/2021

✍️ધોરણ: 1 શાળા તત્પરતા

✍️ધોરણ: 2 ગુજરાતી

✍️ધોરણ: 3 ગુજરાતી

✍️ધોરણ: 4 ગુજરાતી

✍️ધોરણ: 5 ગણિત

✍️ધોરણ: 6 ગણિત

✍️ધોરણ: 7 ગણિત

✍️ધોરણ: 8 ગણિત

✍️ધોરણ: 9 ગણિત

✍️ધોરણ: 10 ગુજરાતી

✍️ધોરણ: 10 વિજ્ઞાન


5)Voice Translation
Real-time voice translation to both text and audio

6)Image Translation
Automatic recognition and translation of text in the image by taking a picture and pressing the button.

The new concept coming in store to solve your confusion words and many more sentences, quotes and also any other language chatting with Snap Translator Multiple Language Translator application.

Now no need get afraid while you are chatting with other languages known peoples just install our smart design Snap Translator Multiple Language Translator application and find the mean of any words, sentences and also many more with simple drag and drop option our "Multi Translator" app special design to considering the solving mean of any word or sentences while you are chatting with any person on the social side for business purposes or also while you are chatting with friends and relatives.

Now no need to install any dictionary to find the mean of any words just install our Snap Translator Multiple Language Translator application and make magic with your words with simple "Drag and Drop" option. Our smart application has a large collection of all language translator to translate your words into many more languages with a simple click.

Snap Translator Multiple Language Translator with you can translate English to Hindi, Hindi to Marathi, English to Gujarati and with many more languages which you want and one of the "Big Advantage" of this application is you can find the mean of words to anytime and anywhere in your devices while you are reading news, while you are chatting with friends and read the content of a mobile screen or also when you talking on business purposes point. so with this application no one languages are hard for you to understand just install and start to solve your words with simple drag and drop option.

Simple process to use this Snap Translator Multiple Language Translator

_Install simply in smart device
_Enable the Snap Translator Multiple Language Translator application for use
_Option to setting like set language to translate in another language
_Many more languages are available
_Tap on float button to find mean
_Start to find the mean of words while you are the chat
_Find the mean of any simple sentences with simple Drag and Drop option
_Have choice to copy any words with using the option of a clipboard

Some special Characteristics of Snap Translator Multiple Language Translator app.

_Convenient User interface to use this application
_Simple way to find the mean of words
_Nice way to learn other languages words
_Multiple languages are supported
_Free to find the mean of words with our app
_Find mean of word instantaly with drag and drop option
_Easy to translate words in other languages
_All languages translator 
_Multiple language translator
_Find the mean of words while you are chatting with friends
_Get mean of word or sentences while you are reading news or any other information 
_Simple to read the content of mobile screen words

Benefit of Snap Translator Multiple Language Translator

Multiple languages translator
Translate words while you are chatting on the social side
Translate means of words while reading any other country news
App improve your languages known skills
You can use the same as the mobile dictionary
You can translate words when traveling around the world
If you are in a business meeting with someone who does not speak your language or needs to translate a document, our multi-language system offers perfect translation services

Snap Translator Multiple Language Translator

English Language Translator
Gujarati Language Translator
Hindi Language Translator
Kannada Language Translator
Malayalam Language Translator
Marathi Language Translator
Punjabi Language Translator 
Tamil Language Translator
Telugu Language Translator 
Afrikaans Language Translator 
Amharic Language Translator 
Arabic Language Translator 
Armenian Language Translator 
Azerbaijani Language Translator 
Basque Language Translator 
Bengali Language Translator 
Bulgarian Language Translator 
Chinese(Simplified) Language Translator 

Translations between the following languages are supported:
Albanian, Arabic, Amharic, Azerbaijani, Irish, Estonian, Oriya, Basque, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Icelandic, Polish, Bosnian, Persian, Boer (Afrikaans), Tatar, Danish, German, Russian, French, Filipino, Finnish, Frisian, Khmer, Georgian, Gujarati, Kazakh, Haitian Creo Arabic, Korean, Hausa, Dutch, Kyrgyz, Galician, Catalan, Czech, Kannada, Corsican, Croatian, Kurdish, Latin, Latvia Languages, Lao, Lithuanian, Luxembourgish, Rwandan, Romanian, Malagasy, Maltese, Marathi, Malayalam, Malay, Macedonian, Maori, Mongolian, Bengali, Burmese, Hmong, Afrikaans, Zulu, Nepali, Norwegian, Punjabi, Portuguese, Pashto, Chichewa, Japanese, Swedish, Samoan, Serbian, Sesotho, Sinhalese, Esperanto, Slovak, Slovenian, Swahili, Scottish Gaelic, Cebuano, Somali, Tajik, Telugu, Tamil , Thai, Turkish, Turkmen, Welsh, Uyghur, Urdu, Ukrainian, Uzbek, Spanish, Hebrew, Greek, Hawaiian, Sindhi, Hungarian, Shona, Armenian, Igbo, Italian, Yiddish, Hindi, Sundanese, Indonesian, Javanese, English, Yoruba, Vietnamese, Chinese (traditional), Chinese

4)Quick setting, intelligent translation
Preset the language you and your friends use, the translation ball will be intelligently translated between 33 languages with a simple drag.Like English to Hindi,Tamil to Hindi,Tamil to English,English to Gujarati and so on.
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Saturday, 19 June 2021

નવું સંકટ / ચીને ફરી વધાર્યું ટેન્શન, અહીં ચામાચિડિયામાં મળ્યા કોરોના વાયરસના 24 નવા સ્વરૂપ

નવું સંકટ / ચીને ફરી વધાર્યું ટેન્શન, અહીં ચામાચિડિયામાં મળ્યા કોરોના વાયરસના 24 નવા સ્વરૂપ

24 New Variant Of Corona Virus Now Found In Chinese Bats

ચીનના પશ્ચિમી ચીનમાં મળેલા નવા સ્વરૂપમાં 4 સાર્સ કોવ-2 વાયરસ જેટલા ખતરનાક વાયરસ મળ્યા છે. ચામાચિડિયાના આ નમૂના પરથી થયો છે ખુલાસો.

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GLPC Recruitment for 392 Assistant Project Manager & Taluka Livelihood Manager Posts 2021 (OJAS)

GLPC Recruitment for 392 Assistant Project Manager & Taluka Livelihood Manager Posts 2021 (OJAS)

GLPC Recruitment for 392 Assistant Project Manager & Taluka Livelihood Manager Posts 2021 (Ojas

Gujarat Livelihood Promotion Co. Ltd. (GLPC Ltd) Recruitment for 392 Assistant Project Manager & Taluka Livelihood Manager Posts 2021 (OJAS)

Total Posts: 392 Posts

Posts Name:

• Assistant Project Manager- State: 13 Posts
• Assistant Project Manager- District: 58 Posts
• Taluka Livelihood Manager: 75 Posts
• Assistant Project Manager- Taluka: 246 Posts
Total Posts: 42 Posts


  • Assistant Project Manager- State: Up to 30,000/-
  • Assistant Project Manager- District: Up to 30,000/-
  • Taluka Livelihood Manager: Up to 20,000/-
  • Assistant Project Manager- Taluka: Up to 15,000/-

Educational Qualification

Assistant Project Manager- State: PG or Master degree in Business Administration/ Social Work/ Social Science/ Sociology/ Agriculture/ Horticulture/ Animal Husbandry/ Rural Management.

Assistant Project Manager- District: PG or Master degree in Business Administration/ Social Work/ Social Science/ Sociology/ Agriculture/ Horticulture/ Animal Husbandry/ Rural Management.

Taluka Livelihood Manager: PG or Master Degree in Social Work /Business Administration/ Rural Management.

Assistant Project Manager- Taluka: Graduation in Social Work/ Business administration/ Rural Science/ Rural Management/ Agriculture PG degree in Business administration/ Social Work will be preferred.

Educational Qualification, Fee & Other Details: Please Read Official Notification.

How to Apply: Interested and Eligible Candidates may Apply Online Through official Website.

Important Dates:
• Starting Date for Submission of Online Application: 08-04-2021
• Last Date for Submission of Online Application: 22-04-2021

Click Here

Apply Online: Click Here
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Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar Recruitment Posts 2021

Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar Recruitment Posts 2021

 Join Our Telegram Channel - Click Here 

Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar Recruitment Posts  2021. Eligible Candidates can Apply for this Post After Checking of Official Notification. For Information about Educational Qualification, Age limit, Selection Process, Mode of Application, Application Fee, Information has been released. As you can read below. You can easily get information by joining the WhatsApp group and Telegram Group of our website jobsgujarat for the information of government recruitment.

General Information of Various Post :

Advertisement Publisher : Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar

Post Name : Assistant Professor/Teaching  Assistant

Number Of Total Posts : 52

Education Qualification : 

Please Read Official Notification for Education Qualification Details.

Fee : 

General/OBC  : Rs.5000/-

SC/ST : Rs.250/-

How to Apply ?

Application Form & Seprate Sheet of Advertisement Nearlly typed in Prescribed from using Microsoft Word Arial Unicode fonts of Size 11 each with Self Attested Copies of Certificate in Support of their Qualifications, Experience, Age, Publication and all other Claim made by them in a Proper Sequenece of Enclosures with numbering " The Candidates are requested to bring Original and photo Copies of Mark Sheets, Passport Size Photograph and other Certificates if any Candidates have to Attend the Interview at their own cost Application Along with all Tesimonials  to the below Address. ' The Register, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar-388120.

Important Date :

Application Last Date : 25/06/2021

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Thursday, 17 June 2021

World Diabetes Day: This trade gives Gujaratis a hobby of trade and food

World Diabetes Day: This trade gives Gujaratis a hobby of trade and food

  • Today is World Diabetes Day: This trade gives Gujaratis a hobby of trade and food
  • Gujaratis, who are known for their trade, do a lot of work through the brain, due to which manual labor is almost negligible during the day.
  • Once a diabetic sufferer is forced to take lifelong medication.
  • Diabetes can only be controlled, not completely cured, doctors say.

Atul Tiwari / Ahmedabad: Diabetes ... a disease which till now was considered a 'silent killer'. But diabetes is now proving to be a 'man killer'. Every year on November 14, Frederick Benting's birthday is celebrated around the world as World Diabetes Day. Insulin was discovered by two scientists in 1922, one of whom was Frederick Benting. In his memory, November 14 was celebrated as World Diabetes Day by the WHO and IDF in 1991 with the aim of making the world aware of this man-killer disease.

Diabetes is estimated to kill 4.6 million patients each year. So approximately 50% of people are also unaware of their diabetes. The number of patients with this man-killer disease is estimated to reach 550 million by the year 2030. Lack of physical exertion, lack of regular exercise, excessive consumption of junk food, stressful life, insufficient sleep, excessive intake of sweets as well as genetic causes lead to diabetes.

The main symptoms of diabetes:

Symptoms of diabetes include excessive appetite, excessive thirst, frequent urination, sudden weight loss, blurred vision, wounds that do not heal quickly, skin infections, and fatigue from normal functioning. Diabetes often affects other parts of the body as well.

Causes of diabetes:

Diabetes is a disease caused by lifestyle irregularities. From the perspective of Gujarat, many diabetic patients are also found in our state. We Gujaratis are fond of eating and drinking and especially swallowing things is a favorite of Gujaratis, at the same time Gujaratis known for trade do a lot of work through the brain, due to which physical labor is almost negligible during the day. But this trade gives us business stress, as a result of which the incidence of diabetes among Gujaratis is increasing very fast....

Types of diabetes:

Diabetes is caused by an increase in the amount of sugar in the body and the disease is generally divided into two types, type-1 and type-2. Of these, type 1 diabetes affects the human immune system. It attacks the body's insulin factory (beta-cell) which causes our body not to produce enough hormones to control the amount of sugar. While the cause of type-2 diabetes is usually the wrong lifestyle. This causes the body fat to increase and it has an effect on insulin. Type 2 diabetes is currently more prevalent in patients.

What to do to make a diagnosis:

Diabetes should be checked as soon as possible if symptoms of diabetes appear. Blood tests such as a blood sugar test on an empty stomach, a blood glucose test after a meal can tell if there is diabetes and its levels in the body.

અહીંથી વાંચો રાવણાના ફળ ના ફાયદા

Ayurveda and Diabetes:

Diabetes is also known as diabetes in Ayurveda, the main diagnosis of which is 'Asya Sukham Swapn Sukham Hasya' i.e. people who choose sedentary lifestyle and people who consume excessive sleep as well as those who consume more milk or milk products, new grains, starchy foods. People who use it in moderation get this diabetes. According to Ayurveda, the diagnosis of diabetes, i.e. diabetes, can be cured if it is started early.




Reduce consumption of salt soda-papad

Diabetes and hypertension are associated with each other. If one happens then the chances of getting another disease are greatly increased. High blood pressure in a diabetic patient increases the risk of kidney and heart damage. To prevent this from happening, it is important for every diabetic patient to reduce their intake of sodium-containing items such as salt-soda-papad. A total of six grams of salt in the daily diet is more than enough salt. One pinch (made up of two fingers and thumbs) contains about two grams of salt so it is desirable not to use more than three pinches of salt per person. It is also important to limit the use of soda-containing dishes and farsanas (e.g. ganthiya, fafda, papadi, etc.).

Stay away from addictions

Tobacco-alcohol addiction harms a healthy person as well as diabetics. Absolute avoidance of such addictions is essential for diabetics.

Effective Herbs in Diabetes:

In case of diabetes, various herbs like gala, amla, turmeric, neem, fenugreek, karela, shilajit, vijaysar, gokharu, besides medicinal such as chandraprabhavati, mamejwa ghanvati, triphala powder, rasayan churna, vasantakusumakar ras are recommended. Or can be controlled.

Although herbs alone do not cure diabetes, in some cases lifestyle changes may be needed. Many controls also become part of the cure. In Ayurveda it is said to work hard to cure diabetes, in which regular exercise becomes an important part of life. It is also important to get proper sleep, avoid anxiety as much as possible and make yoga and pranayama a part of life. is coming.

અહીંથી વાંચો ગુજરાતી રિપોર્ટ

If we talk about the number of diabetic patients, this man killer disease is constantly advancing at a rocket speed. According to doctors, it is very important to get regular checkups after 35 years as the risk of diabetes increases. This is because diabetes can be protected from 'man killer' at an early stage. Once a diabetic sufferer is forced to take lifelong medication. Diabetes can only be controlled, not completely cured, doctors say.

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Stone Disease Stone Types Stone Remedies superb video by Nagjibhai Asodariya

Stone Disease Stone Types Stone Remedies  superb video by Nagjibhai Asodariya

However, if the body does not get enough water, it cannot dilute uric acid. Which causes more acid to go into the urine. Which causes stones to form in the kidneys.

Kidney stones form in the kidneys. It is usually advisable to drink more water after a stone problem. But even if you keep this diet in eating and drinking, you will necessarily get relief from this pain of stones.

Balance diet plays a very important role in kidney stone problem. Eat less salt with more water. Eating less salty foods will help. Sodium causes the body to get more calcium. Which can also cause kidney stones. In addition, do not eat processed and tinned junk food. Doing so will only aggravate the problem....

In addition, avoid overdosing on vitamin C. Do not take more than 500 mg of vitamin C. Don't clean things like cold drinks, alcohol. Phosphate can cause more stones in cold drinks.

અહીંથી વાંચો સંપૂર્ણ માહિતી ગુજરાતીમાં

Avoid foods made from soy protein. Don't even tell the guardian to stone. Because spinach contains oxalic acid. Which can worsen the condition of your kidneys. Also, avoid eating too much salt. Also don't stop the bathroom too often. Do not block the bathroom if you have to go to the bathroom more often after drinking more water. If you pay so much attention, the pain in the stone will be relieved. Also seek proper medical advice.

Calculus is an important kidney disease seen in many patients. Stones can cause excruciating pain but many patients do not have any discomfort despite having stones.

In some patients, stones can lead to urinary tract infections and kidney damage if not treated in time. It is very common to have stones once and for all. So it is important to know about stones and how to prevent them.

What is a stone?

Calcium oxalate or crystals in the urine combine to form a hard substance in the urethra in the long run, known as stones.

What are stones like? What does it look like? Where is it found in the urethra?

Stones in the urethra vary in size, from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a ball. Some stones are round or oval and smooth on the outside. This type of stone is less painful and can be easily excreted in the urine.

Some stones are rough, can cause excruciating pain and are not easily excreted in the urine.

Stones are found mainly in the kidneys, ureters or bladder and sometimes in the urethra as well.

What are the types of kidney stones?

There are four types of kidney stones:

1. Calcium Stones:

This type of stone is most common in patients with stones (approximately 30-40%). The cause of calcium stones is calcium oxalate in more patients and calcium phosphate in less patients.

. Struvite Stones:

Struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) stones: Found in about 10-15% of patients with stones. This type of stone causes infections in the urine and kidneys. This type of stone is more common in women.

. Uric Acid Stones:

Uric acid stones are very rare (approximately 8-10%) in patients with gallstones. There is a risk of developing these types of stones when the uric acid level in the urine is high and the urine is constantly acidic. The risk of developing gallstones is higher after gout, a non-vegetarian diet, low body fluids, and some cancer medications. Uric acid stones are not visible on X-ray examination as they are not transparent.



Cystine Stones:

This type of stone is very rare and is only seen in some patients with hereditary cystinuria. Excess cystine in the urine is called cystinuria.

What is a Staghorn Stone?

This type of stone is a very large struvite type of stone, which is spread throughout the kidneys. This stone is called Stag = deer horn because it looks like a deer's horn. Diagnosis of this type of stone is very late in most patients, as the pain in this type of stone is very low or not at all. This type of stone is large in size but the pain is negligible and can cause severe damage to the kidneys.

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Monday, 14 June 2021

ઑટો / મિડલ ક્લાસનું સપનું થશે સાકાર: મારૂતિ લોન્ચ કરશે Altoથી પણ સસ્તી કાર, જાણો કિંમત અને ફિચર્સ

ઑટો / મિડલ ક્લાસનું સપનું થશે સાકાર: મારૂતિ લોન્ચ કરશે Altoથી પણ સસ્તી કાર, જાણો કિંમત અને ફિચર્સ 

Maruti to launch cheaper car than Alto

કોરોનાકાળમાં કારનું વેચાણ વધ્યુ છે. પબ્લિક ટ્રાન્સપોર્ટમાં પ્રવાસ કરવાનું લોકો ટાળી રહ્યાં છે અને તેને ધ્યાનમાં રાકીને જ મારુતિ સુઝુકી સસ્તી કાર લઇને આવ્યું છે. 

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